Kindergarden Morning Class

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Greg Mroczek Fred Schneller Ken Ceplic John Laluya
Joe Moskal Karen Kozlow Linda Skony Kathy Wysocki Joan Ferguson Pam Blair Diane Howaniec Danielia Inama
Patty Bennett Celeste Kasprzyk Carol Dimatteo Suzanne Smodilla Joyce Tutron patricia zavacki Adrianne Hertzina Mary Gaughan Carol Janusz
Ken Thomas Michael Joyce Jim Cooney Gene Clark Gerry Carsello Bob Olendski Dwane? Mitchell Kasper Pat Foley
Judy Fesus Felicia Kruzel Christine Formato Susan Borre Kim Gallagher Patti Bednarz Michelle Delfosse Kristine Farber
Richard Young Mike Candioto Thomas Browner Ray Eitermann Tony Madonia Wayne Gogolewski

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